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On Monday, Defense Minister Israel Katz ordered the creation of a directorate for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) tasked with overseeing the implementation of the plan announced by President Donald Trump to ethnically cleanse Gaza.

Andre Damon

The entire campaign for this month’s federal election is a repulsive spectacle. All the parties in the Bundestag (parliament) and their candidates to be the next chancellor are competing with each other in inciting anti-refugee hatred, calling for more German and European rearmament spending and currying favour with the fascist Alternative for Germany (AfD).

Johannes Stern

A wide range of New York City and state Democratic politicians have urged Mayor Eric Adams to resign in the wake of the deal he struck with the Trump administration to dismiss federal charges against him in exchange for allowing the roundup of immigrants by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Sandy English

Brookings Institution researchers drew attention to an article by long-time Republican Mitch Daniels in the Washington Post, stating “only a dwindling number of denialists doubt that a cataclysmic reckoning … lies ahead.”

Nick Beams

Jacobin magazine, associated with the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), published a politically backward and reactionary article last week titled “The Case for Social Drinking.” In it, writer Ryan Zickgraf railed against reports that Americans' alcohol use has significantly declined in recent years, a healthy trend.

Andy Thompson, Barry Grey
2025 New Year Statement
Socialism against oligarchy, fascism and war

Underlying the interlinked crises of the capitalist system is an oligarchy that subordinates all of society to profit and the accumulation of personal wealth. The fight against the oligarchy is by its very nature a revolutionary task.

Wolfgang Weber (1949-2024): A revolutionary intellectual and fighter for Trotskyism

Wolfgang devoted over 50 years of his life to building the Trotskyist party and fought tirelessly politically and theoretically for the independence of the working class.

UFCW calls off King Soopers strike, agrees to 100 day “labor peace”

The sellout and premature cancellation of the two-week strike called on February 6 breaks the momentum of the strike and secures no real gains for workers, only an agreement to restart negotiations over the next 100 days. But, according to the union, no negotiations have actually been scheduled.

Alex Findijs

Australian union joins pile-on against Bankstown nurses 

The NSW nurses union has not held a single event opposing the Gaza genocide, but did hold a protest last week vilifying two lowly health workers who made backward comments about Israel.

Oscar Grenfell, Richard Phillips

Turkish government escalates crackdown against CHP and DEM Party

The WSWS and the Socialist Equality Group, regardless of their political differences with the CHP and the DEM Party, oppose this undemocratic state repression and demand the immediate release of those detained.

Barış Demir, Ulaş Ateşçi

At least 12 dead from Kentucky flood disaster

Flood threats remained in effect across Kentucky on Monday following heavy rainfall and snowmelt that devastated communities and killed at least 12 people, including a mother and her 7-year-old child.

Kevin Reed

“A vote for the SGP is a vote against war and capitalist barbarism!”

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei holds final election rally in Berlin

The SGP is running in the early federal elections on February 23 to oppose the all-party coalition for war and social cuts, and to build an international movement against war and capitalism.

Florian Hasek, Carola Kleinert

This week in history: February 17-23

Mass protest against neo-fascists in Austria; Wildcat strike by Youngstown steelworkers; Egypt, Israel agree on Gaza border; Chinese emperor relocated by Japan

The Great Abolitionist: Charles Sumner and the Fight for a More Perfect Union

A new biography of abolitionist Senator Charles Sumner

Stephen Puleo’s biography offers a fresh glimpse into the Radical Republicans’ struggle against slavery and shines a light on a little-known figure in American history.

Landon Gourov

NATO announces further militarisation of Baltic Sea

The move marks yet another step in the systematic military encircling of Russia by the US-led military alliance, which continues to back the far-right Ukrainian regime in a war aimed at inflicting a strategic defeat on Moscow and subjugating its territory to semi-colonial status.

Jordan Shilton

Fed launches probe into expanding private credit market

In 2023, the size of the non-bank financial institution sector increased by 8.5 percent, more than double the pace of banking sector growth at 3.3 percent, bringing its share of total global financial assets to 49.1 percent.

Nick Beams

China hits back at US tariffs

The Chinese response has been described as “muted” and “measured” as Beijing hopes that it may receive concessions after the suspension of the tariffs against Mexico and Canada.

Nick Beams

Rwandan-backed M23 advance into DR Congo threatens regional war

M23 now controls nearly all of North Kivu and the province’s vast mineral wealth—including tin (cassiterite), tantalum (coltan), tungsten (wolframite), and gold, which are critical for global electronics and industrial production.

Alejandro López

States target Plyler court ruling on educating immigrant children

Following a strategy outlined by The Heritage Foundation, author of “Project 2025,” at least five states are seeking to force a review of the 1982 Supreme Court decision in Plyler v. Doe to effect an end to immigrant youths’ right to public schooling.

Nancy Hanover

COVID surge underway in Bolivia and Peru

The new surge, in countries with the world’s highest death rates from COVID-19, shows the continuing threat posed by the deadly virus.

Cesar Uco
The Gaza genocide and the death of Aaron Bushnell: What are the political lessons?

This lecture was given by World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board Chairman David North at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor on Tuesday, March 12.

84 years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

Trotsky's assassination was the greatest political crime of the 20th century. Alongside Vladimir Lenin, Trotsky was the leader of the 1917 October revolution in Russia, which led to the establishment of the first workers’ state in history, and the preeminent strategist of world socialist revolution.

The fight against fascism requires a fight against capitalism and war!

Having twice voted with the Alternative for Germany (AfD) in favor of a brutal policy of sealing the borders against refugees, the conservative Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) and Free Democratic Party (FDP) parliamentary groups in the Bundestag are prepared to accept the far-right party as a government partner.

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei appeal in the German federal election

Oppose imperialist war through the fight for socialism!

The Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party, SGP) is contesting the federal elections to oppose the all-party coalition advocating war and austerity.

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei

COP29, climate change and the normalization of mass death

The latest climate summit embraced the same policy that has been adopted since such climate talks began in 1995: the subordination of Earth’s environment and the lives of those impacted to the corporate and economic demands of the United States and the other major capitalist powers.

Bryan Dyne
On the 50th anniversary of the Chilean coup

Fifty years after Chile’s horrific September 11 coup, its political relevance is becoming ever more urgent as the specter of dictatorship once again haunts the political life of Latin America.

COVID, Capitalism, and Class War: A Social and Political Chronology of the Pandemic

Mehring Books, the publishing arm of the Socialist Equality Party (US), is proud to announce the publication of Volume 1 of COVID, Capitalism, and Class War: A Social and Political Chronology of the Pandemic, a compilation of the World Socialist Web Site's coverage of this global crisis.

Read the introduction

Analyzing a World in Chaos from an Island of Tranquility

This speech was given by David North at the second international commemoration of the work of Leon Trotsky on Büyükada (Prinkipo), Turkey, during the first period of his exile from the Soviet Union between 1929 and 1933.

David North

On the anniversary of the assassination of Leon Trotsky

Eighty-four years ago today, on August 20, 1940, Leon Trotsky was assassinated by an agent of the Stalinist secret police, the GPU, in his villa in Coyoacan, Mexico, where he spent the final three years of his life as a political exile.

David North
One Hundred Years Since the Death of Lenin

January 21 marked 100 years since the death of Vladimir Lenin in 1924. This page includes a collection of essays reviewing the life and ideas of the great Marxist theoretician, founder of the Bolshevik Party, and co-leader of the Russian Revolution.

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Leon Trotsky and the Struggle for Socialism in the Twenty-First Century

The essays in this book, though written over the span of more than 40 years, are connected by a central argument: Leon Trotsky was the most significant figure in the history of socialism during the first four decades of the twentieth century, and his legacy remains the critical and indispensable theoretical and political foundation of the ongoing contemporary struggle for the victory of world socialism.

Order your print or epub version of the book from Mehring Books today.

Statement of the Editorial Board
For a Global Workers’ Inquest into the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Inquest is necessary to break through the cover-up, lies and misinformation that have been used to justify policies responsible for the avoidable deaths of millions.

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25 years since the death of Vadim Rogovin

Vadim Z. Rogovin (10 May 1937 – 18 September 1998) was a Soviet Marxist sociologist and historian. Working in close collaboration with the International Committee of the Fourth International, Rogovin helped lay the foundations for the Trotskyist movement’s fight against the post-Soviet school of historical falsification, including in his six-volume Was There an Alternative? This page collects major essays and commemorations on Rogovin as well as links to his own writings.


The Wuhan lab lie: “Weapons of mass destruction” redux

In an uncanny instance of history repeating itself, the lies used to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq based on false claims about “weapons of mass destruction” are being used to promote the United States’ unprecedented military buildup around China.

Andre Damon

A discredited conspiracy theory about the origins of COVID-19

The Wuhan Lab Leak slander being resurrected to bolster US war drive against China

The Wall Street Journal disclosed that the Department of Energy has shifted its opinion on the origin of the coronavirus to it being most likely a result of a lab leak. However, unnamed sources who have read the report indicate the evidence is of low confidence.

Benjamin Mateus

Marcus Garvey and the reactionary logic of racialist politics

More than one hundred years after the formation of his Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), Marcus Garvey's legacy remains highly relevant in the struggle to overcome efforts to divide the working class along racial lines.

Lawrence Porter
Wije Dias: A fighter for Trotskyism (1941-2022)

Comrade Wije Dias, the longtime general secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), died in Colombo on July 27, 2022. This exhibit includes two tributes to Wije by WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North as well as a selection of Wije’s most significant articles and speeches.

Forty-five years since the assassination of Tom Henehan (1951-1977): A Revolutionary Life

October 16 marked the 45th anniversary of the assassination of Tom Henehan, a member of the Political Committee of the Workers League—the predecessor of the Socialist Equality Party in the US. We are republishing here a tribute delivered by David North at a meeting in 1997.

Timeline of thirty years of war: The historical background to the US-NATO conflict with Russia

This interactive timeline presents some of the most important events that have brought humanity to the brink of World War III. It includes links to critical articles and statements produced by the International Committee of the Fourth International over the past 30 years.

View the Timeline
The fight for Trotskyism and the political foundations of the World Socialist Web Site

The WSWS is publishing the report delivered by David North 25 years ago, on February 1, 1997, motivating the proposal to end publication of the SEP’s printed newspaper and replace it with an international website; as well as North’s reply to the National Committee ‘s discussion of the proposal.

Mobilize the working class against Trump’s attack on federal workers!

The attitude of the White House was summed up in an X/Twitter post over the weekend, where Trump declared that “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.” Modeling himself on the Fuhrer principle, Trump is declaring himself a dictator totally unbound by the law.

International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees
WSWS Review
Thirty years since the dissolution of the USSR

Review the most critical essays, lectures and letters produced by the ICFI in the course of its intervention in response to the crisis of Stalinism and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.

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New Zealand: Court action continues over Pike River mine disaster

Families of some of the 29 workers killed in the 2010 coal mine disaster are continuing their fight for answers about why authorities dropped charges against Pike River Coal chief executive Peter Whittall over the extremely dangerous conditions in the mine.

Tom Peters